Plexus - Shared Record

Plexus Care Record connects health and care records for care providers in Sussex, providing them with the right information at the right time.

Expressions of Interest are now being invited!

Would you like to be one of 200 Sussex Care Homes taking part in this transformative journey towards integrated care?

If so, complete this expression of interest form and we will be in touch with more information:

We are inviting care homes across Sussex to engage with Plexus and gain access to and share resident information.

One of the key ambitions for the NHS is to share information in a safer, faster, more accurate way. With digital care planning systems now live in more than 80% of care homes, we are for the first time, able to start working towards this important goal. For care providers this means -

  • Immediate access to basic accurate information 
  • Time saved on obtaining medical history
  • Access to recent test results
  • Safer and faster assessments and admissions to the care home

The NHS are planning to add more NHS information to Plexus in the coming months, then information from Adult Social Care, with the eventual aim of joining approved digital care plans in your care home to the system with a direct link.

The care associations in Sussex are working closely with NHS Sussex to develop and implement these plans, which we feel will bring a range of benefits to your residents.

Why is an integrated health and care system so important?

For care providers, sharing data is essential to enable them to provide the best possible care to residents and service users but it also helps more efficient working across health and social care in Sussex.

Data sharing will always take place in a safe environment to ensure that people who access the data have a legitimate reason to do this.

Sharing residents records gives a more complete picture of a persons journey across different services and is about achieving a better experience and better care for the person.

Shared records are designed to ensure that an individual does not need to tell their story again and again to different health and care practitioners.

This can improve safety and efficiency, but also supports patients in what is often a difficult time.

Plexus Shared Care Record partners

The information on this page sets out the health and care organisations across Sussex that are connected to the Plexus Shared Care Record (updated March 2024). 

Plexus is an important part of the Our Care Connected programme, which is part of the Sussex Health and Care Digital programme.

Plexus works with partners across Sussex, which include:

  • General practice
  • University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
  • East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Western Sussex Hospitals Foundation Trust
  • Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
  • Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • East Sussex County Council
  • West Sussex County Council

You can read a full list of health and care organisations that share information into and use the Plexus Shared Care Record.

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